Guided by tradition, open to God’s new expression.
Each Sunday at 10:30 a.m. stands as time apart—where we come together from overscheduled lives to be present to God and to each other. We praise God in song. We greet one another and pray together.
At the center of our worship is the Word of God, anchored in a particular historical moment and yet timeless in its message for today. Around God’s Word and ongoing work in the world, a variety of stories, ages, and perspectives are purposefully united.
After worship, everyone is invited to a time of community fellowship.

We believe God’s gifts of Word and Sacrament, as experienced in communal worship, equip us as the Church to be the body of Christ in the World. Worship of the triune God is the center of our common life, and our primary way of witnessing to the faith, hope, and love we have in Jesus Christ.
From the PCUSA’s Book of Order

Children are welcome in every aspect of our worship.
All of our children but the very youngest begin in worship with us. We believe this is an important part of faith formation–not just for the children themselves, but for the whole church! We believe children are not the “future church” but the church today.
Shortly before the sermon, children are given the option to be dismissed to Godly Play (ages 3.5 - 8) or ‘Tweens (ages 9-12).