Women's Ministry

Strengthening the Presbyterian Church and witnessing to the promise of God's Kingdom.
Our Purpose
To nurture our faith through prayer and Bible study,
To support the mission of the church worldwide,
To work for justice and peace, and to build an inclusive, caring
community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian Church
(U.S.A.) and witnesses to the promise of God’s kingdom.

2023-24 Elizabeth Circle Spiritual Study
Biblical Lessons on Romance, Friendship, and Faith
​At each meeting of Elizabeth Circle, the group focuses on a spiritual study. This year the group is focusing on LOVE which is at the heart of the Bible.
Monthly discussions will center on the many loves revealed in the Bible; lessons will be drawn from the good, the bad, and even the ugly of biblical romances, friendships, and families as well as our own loves. These insights into biblical relationships will uplift, encourage, and reveal new dimensions for us of the most central Christian duty: to love God and your neighbor. Join us!
I Corinthians 13:4
Love always protects,
always trusts,
always hopes,
always perseveres.
Love never fails.

Elizabeth Circle
Elizabeth Circle meets at 9:30 AM, the third Tuesday of each month, September through May, in Rm 12 at Westminster. In addition to the other WPW missions, Elizabeth Circle supports the Fellowship of the Least Coin, a global, ecumenical movement begun in 1956 to support women’s projects and scholarships all over the world.
Newcomers and visitors are always welcome.
"Sew Happy" Quilters
Our quilting group supports missions financially through annual quilt sales. The group meets Thursdays at 9 AM in Room 12 at WPC. All are welcome to join! It's a great way to meet people, develop friendships, and do mission work. You may also bring your own project and join the group for fellowship.
When we were unable to hold our sale in 2020/2021, several quilters provided bags, blankets, hats, masks, and more to local organizations.
Fabric donations are always needed. Contact Wendy Bowman if you have questions.

Life Abundant Project
For 20+ we have been providing midwife kits in 2-gallon ziplock bags to the Health Center in Banso, Cameroon, West Africa through Dr. Alison La Frence and her husband Dr. John Edwards. The kits are made up of various baby and hygiene items and are provided to the midwives after they graduate the 4-week program at the Health Center.
If you would like to know more about how you can contribute to the LAP project through cutting blankets, knitting or crocheting baby caps, assembling kits, and so much more, contact Suzanne Fell at ssfell@comcast.net. 360-459-2404
Sock Drive
Presbyterian Women of Westminster sponsors a sock drive to promote health and comfort to our community’s homeless and for those with special needs.
This year, the drive will commence at Thanksgiving so that socks can be distributed during the colder winter months when most needed. Black bins with yellow lids are placed in the Narthex/foyer and the Fellowship Hall. Socks are needed for all ages and genders, some who may be interviewing for jobs or are homeless and need clean footwear after showers. Having warm, clean feet contributes to better health emotionally and physically.

Fellowship of the Least Coin

Fellowship of the Least Coin is a mission project that WPC Women’s Circles and currently Elizabeth Circle has supported for years. It is a 67-year global, ecumenical movement.
This movement links prayer and “least coins” in a significant way, as the last coin of each participant around the world signals our oneness and a common quest for peace, justice, and reconciliation. The offering of the least coins is used for grants to special projects of evangelism, service, relief, education, and awareness-building among women throughout the world.
Only the least coin is offered so that women of all backgrounds and means may be equal partners in providing: Post-secondary education & training for women, Grassroots projects that empower women & girls, Advocates for women’s rights, Work to end gender-based violence & poverty, Relief from natural & human-made disasters

Sound View Camp
The Olympia Presbytery owns a beautiful, 100-acre camp on the Kitsap peninsula. The camp has a waterfront, high ropes course, animals for the campers to pet, archery, and arts and crafts. Last summer, due to Covid-19, they were not able to run a children’s camp, but instead turned the property into a campground that was open to the public. This year, campers are welcome back for a few weeks of camp in addition to the public camping. This is a yearround facility and they would like people to keep coming for camping in the fall when tent campers are not on site. There are various cabins and buildings to stay in during both the fall and winter.