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Image by Larry Farr

One Parish, One Prisoner

 Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.
Hebrews 13:3

OPOP stands for “One Parish – One Prisoner"

Have You Heard of OPOP?

It’s a radical movement based on admonitions sprinkled liberally through scripture expressing God‘s heart for those in prison. (See Psalm 79:11; Hebrews 13:3; Matthew 25:35–46; and more than 20 other scripture verses.) OPOP stands for “One Parish – One Prisoner.”


Did you know there are about as many churches in Washington state as there are prisoners? What could it look like if each church was partnered with a prisoner preparing for life after incarceration?

About OPOP

OPOP, run by Underground Ministries (an organization engaged in this type of ministry for many years), partners churches with prisoners and offers a curriculum to guide the church in growing a supportive relationship with an incarcerated individual.


Our OPOP Alpha Team

OPOP Team Alpha has moved to formal closure. Our partner, who was incarcerated when we met her, has been released from prison, been baptized, become a member of our church, and found employment while completing work on her MBA. We could not be more proud and hopeful for her and her husband and two sons.


We continue to meet occasionally as a group of friends who want to stay in touch with one another and provide fellowship and encouragement as needed. At least a few of us are informally considering forming a new OPOP team in a couple of years for another woman who is currently incarcerated at the Washington Correctional Center for Women.


God blessed us with a wonderful opportunity to share His grace and love.

OPOP Omega Candice Baughman Baptism with Pastor Therin Fenner.JPG

Our OPOP Omega Team

OPOP Omega was commissioned in February 2024, as Westminster’s second team, working with Underground Ministries and our own Candice Boughman. We are discerning our next steps as we work to connect with another incarcerated individual.  Our original team was formed more than a year ago, but our placement did not choose to proceed with the program.


As the congregation grew more excited about a new Matthew 25 connection, our team grew to 10. They are Rev. Robin Crawford, Tore Johnson, Gail Schmunk, Rev. Geoff Browning, Donna Burkhart, Elsa McLain, David Ammons, Joanne Dufour, Naomi Smith, and Candice Baughman (pictured right at Candice's baptism with our former Pastor, Rev. Therin Fenner)

Please hold both OPOP teams in your prayers.

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1925 Boulevard Rd
Olympia, WA 98502


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