What Does It Mean To Be An Earth Care Congregation?
Westminster Presbyterian Church is committed to environmental stewardship and is a certified Earth Care Congregation. We have affirmed an Earth Care Pledge to integrate environmental practices and thinking into our worship, education, facilities, and outreach. We are dedicated to care for God’s earth in a holistic way by integrating earth care into all aspects of our church life. Read more about our projects and find out how you can join us in our mission.
Ways We Are Making A Difference.
We invite people to connect with and cultivate our community garden.
We create opportunities for people to gather for group hikes, learning about and enjoying God’s creation.
We provide opportunities for Ridwell recycling.
We regularly incorporate a creation care emphasis in Sunday worship and vespers worship in our garden.
We offer periodic classes that incorporate creation care learning, e.g. our plant-based eating class in winter 2024.

Our Earth Care Team
At Westminster Presbyterian Church we strive to create a community of faith centered around love, welcome, and belonging. One of the ways we do this is through the leadership of our Earth Care team. This team meets regularly to imagine how WPC can take seriously God’s charge to “till and keep” the garden.
Our Earth Care Team meets once a month, and consists of: Jill Bremer, Nancy Crawford, Martin Engels, Suzanne Fell, Sue Harris, Lisa Midles, Rachel Newmann, and Pastor Julie Scheer Johnson.