
Westminster Presbyterian seeks to minister to families and children so that they can experience a place of love, safety, and faith. We welcome all children into the fellowship of our community.
Children in Worship
If you have an infant with you in worship, we welcome you to keep your child with you in the sanctuary. However, please know that there is a "Caregiver/Cry Room" to the left of the sanctuary as you enter where you can comfortably rock, change or feed your infant as well as see and hear the worship service.
We also find some parents are most comfortable in the narthex or foyer of the sanctuary, where they can still see and hear the service, but where their kids can move around a little more than the pews allow. We want your kids to be where they are comfortable! They are welcome in all of these spaces.

6 Months - 3.5 Years

Our Infant/Toddler Room
This room is for children ages 6 months to 3.5 years, and can be found in room 7 on the 2nd floor. The nursery opens at 10:15 a.m. and closes at 12:00 noon. Our infant toddler nursery is staffed by two regular nursery caregivers who provide loving, safe, gentle, and consistent care.
We know that some children of this age have difficulty separating from parents. Our staff is skilled at making our little ones comfortable, but it can take time for children to adjust to a new environment. If your child appears to be inconsolable or needs a diaper change/restroom assistance, you will be contacted by the staff to come to the nursery.
All first-time children need to be registered by their parents. WPC staff will help you with registration upon your arrival at the church.
3.5 - 8 Years
Godly Play
Our Godly Play program is designed to help children make meaning through story, wonder, and play. The curriculum itself, founded on Montessori principles, is about spiritual nurture and engagement rather than memorization. Each lesson unfolds in collaboration with the insights and other contributions of the children themselves.
All new children must be registered by their parents. WPC staff will help you with registration upon your arrival at the church.
Contact the Director of Faith Formation if you have additional questions about Godly Play or your child’s participation.

9-12 Years | Upper Elementary/Early Middle School
Children ages 9-12 are invited to join a peer cohort to discuss and respond to biblical stories. The format is similar to Godly Play (story, questions, and a time of independent response) but allows for more mature interaction and a longer discussion time.