
Welcome All!
Hospitality, warmth, and inclusion are at the heart of who we are—and, however you’ve arrived at this page, we’re glad you’re here.

We Strive To Be
Humbly seeking to follow Jesus and grow in relationship with our Loving Creator.
A beautiful patchwork community of many different stories, views, and experiences united in our deepening discipleship
We are intentionally intergenerational, from birth to the golden years of life.
We believe diversity is a rich soil in which faith can take root and grow well.
Our Denomination
The “Presbyterian” in our name refers both to the way we organize our life together (for example, we have a “board” of nine members, each elected for a three-year term) and our grounding in the rich, Reformed tradition. Our denomination is the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). The PCUSA’s constitution includes a set of ten confessions of faith, each from a particular historical moment, that continue to guide us as a community. The earliest confessions of faith, including the Apostle’s Creed and Nicene Creed, we share with the much broader universal church.

Our Congregation
We strive to be a congregation that thinks deeply but also embraces Divine Mystery; that prays sincerely and often but also lets that prayer become embodied in our action and witness in the community. At our core, we hold together a prophetic vision put before us by God’s holy word and Jesus himself—of a day when all is set right, and God’s peace, or Shalom, is fully realized. Through our daily living, the Holy Spirit works to bring about that ultimate day through our radical compassion, racial justice work, unabashed support of full inclusion of our LGBTQIA+ siblings, ecological stewardship, and ongoing advocacy for those in Olympia experiencing homelessness or living in poverty.

In Christ's Name
Our faith calls us to openness—open minds, open hearts, open hands, open doors—that we might detect God’s ever-present action in the world around us. Wherever you are in your own journey of faith, we welcome you. We pray that you will bring your stories and gifts into our midst and work alongside us in Christ’s name.